Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crispy kale

A few months back our friend David served us crispy kale as a pre-dinner munch. I'd had it before (at David's house no less) but somehow this time I fell in love. The salty crunch! Yet still healthy! It's since become a staple in our house.

Once I started making crispy kale at home I made one change from David's recipe, substituting Vulcan's fire salt for plain sea salt. This spicy salt blend gives the kale a serious kick! If I could figure out how to keep the kale crunchy I would serve it as a bloody mary garnish....

Three important details: do not let the kale bake until brown, because it'll be bitter. Stop when the color is deep green. Start with flat rather than curly kale -- the flat crunches better. Lastly, make sure the kale is completely dry before you oil and salt it.

Crispy kale
1 bunch lacinato kale (also known as dinosaur or tuscon kale) washed and completely dry
2 tablespoons olive oil
about 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt or Vulcan's fire salt (available from the Spice House)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment or silicone sheets.
2. Pull the tough part off each stem of kale -- this usually results in a piece that resembles a salmon steak, just barely attached at the top. Cover each baking sheet in a single layer of kale, without excess crowding. With a pastry brush, lightly coat each kale leaf with olive oil. Then sprinkle with salt, sparingly, or they will be too salty.
3. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until the kale is dry and crunchy, but still olive green and glossy. Allow to cool or eat immediately.

Serves: 2-4 as a starter or side

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